Sales Assistant Speaking Portuguese Needed in Rovaniemi

Lapponia Experience store offers a wide range of products and clothing with a Lapland theme. Scandinavian products draw inspiration from Lapland, pure nature, and the four seasons. Authentic and natural materials, as well as quality and ecological values, are important to Lapponia Experience.

Come join us in meaningful work and offer experiences to tourists!

Our client, Lapponia Experience, is now looking for a SHOP ASSISTANT for the winter season in the center of Rovaniemi, who speaks PORTUGUESE.

We offer you an international workplace and full-time employment for the season. Sundays are free, and you'll also have Christmas off to spend with your family. One shift is predominantly day-oriented, while the other is more evening-oriented.

The store fills with the joy, laughter, and holiday atmosphere of vacationing tourists during the season. The store has a comprehensive selection and an ideal location in the shopping center.

Your tasks include actively engaging with customers, presenting the store's services, customer service, sales, and other store duties such as stocking and maintaining cleanliness. Shifts are especially in the evenings and weekdays when there are plenty of tourists around.

We require proficiency in Portuguese.

Success in the job requires:

  • Good basic knowledge of English
  • Previous experience in sales and cashier work
  • Excellent customer service and sales skills
  • Availability to work during store hours

It's a plus if you speak Spanish or Hebrew.

You'll receive training for the job, but previous sales experience is considered an advantage. The employment contract is for 90 hours over a three-week period. Working hours are between 9:00 and 23:00. The job is estimated to start around mid-October as per the agreement. Payment according to the collective agreement (Mara-tes) based on your industry experience. The work is estimated to last until mid-March.

In Rovaniemi, housing is good, and there are exceptional recreational opportunities. The city offers, among other things, Ounasvaara Ski Resort in the middle of the city, and during the season, the city is filled with joy, warmth, and the Christmas atmosphere.

The workplace is smoke-free. Job interviews will begin during the recruitment period, and positions will be filled as suitable candidates are found. So, don't hesitate to apply, even today!

Recruitment is done in collaboration with the Lapland-based HR company Arctic Career Oy.

Hakuaika alkaa: 06.05.2024 10:00Hakuaika päättyy: 15.06.2024 23:59
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HUOM! Työkokemukset järjestyvät automaattisesti työsuhteen alkamisajankohdan mukaan.
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kuukausi vuosi
Työsuhde päättyi
kuukausi vuosi
Ylin suoritettu tutkinto
HUOM! Koulutukset järjestetään automaattisesti alkamisajankohdan mukaan varhaisimmasta myöhäisimpään.
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Kuvaile osaamistasi muutamalla avainsanalla
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Tiedoston koko max. 5120 kt. Sallitut tiedostot: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx.
Tiedoston koko max. 5120 kt. Sallitut tiedostot: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx.
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